
Watch my free fall into becoming a vegetarian and attempting to run 13.1 miles..whaaaat?!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Shoes and Shenanigans

I ran for the first time in 2 1/2 months on Saturday. TWO AND A HALF MONTHS!! Holy shit. Going from running 15+ miles a week to nothing for that long is a big change, and I was sincerely worried how bad my performance was going to be. Nonetheless, I got dressed, charged up my Ipod with my newest running playlist, and took off. I left my running watch at home because, for my first run back, I didn't want to be concerned with pace, distance, anything, I just wanted to RUN.

Turns out, my body remembered how much it loves to run. I kid you not when I say I caught myself smiling and singing to my music as I was running. I truly think I've lost my mind. But really, if you love running, you get it. It's my thing, my escape, my happiness. I'm so happy to be back.

I ran 2.6 miles (mapped it when I got home) and it was EASY! I'm relieved my stamina has held up during this time off. It will make the training for the half much easier in January.

I've been researching and researching to find the best winter running gear, since I will be training primarily outdoors. I was also looking for a second pair of lighter running shoes. I may have found them:

Amazing looking? Uh, yes! Wonderful reviews online as well, plus New Balance is a stellar company.

I'm going to start a fundraiser as part of my half marathon training. I am going to try and raise $2500 for the Champaign County Humane Society. This amount is how much it costs them to run their facilities for just ONE day. By raising this amount, I can "Adopt-A-Day". To do this, I'm going to offer two possible ways to donate: either an amount, or people can pledge an amount per mile that I run (say, 10 cents per mile). I will be training for 16 weeks, logging about 20 miles a week to start then gradually up to about 35 per week. So, say if I end up logging 400 miles in all, that would be $40.

Anyways, feedback would be nice on this, like if you would be willing to donate if I did this.

Getting my wisdom teeth cut out tomorrow, I'll be signed out for a while.

Lata dudes :)

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